Providing the utmost respect and care for patients in Utah hospice is our goal at Active. As Utah and the country as a whole becomes more culturally diverse, it’s critical to recognize others’ beliefs and demonstrate exceptional cultural competence during hospice care. It is necessary to acknowledge the differing needs of hospice patients, embrace their differences, and foster an environment sensitive to the unique cultural needs of their loved ones and their families. Let’s discuss more about cultural sensitivity and how it can provide better care in hospice.
What is Cultural Sensitivity During Hospice Care, and Why is it Important?
Before we discuss cultural sensitivity, we must first talk about culture. A patient’s culture is not only their heritage but often includes self-identifying elements such as religion, values, and spirituality. It is their identity, how they live, and how they communicate.
Demonstrating cultural sensitivity during hospice care means that caregivers know how to interact with a patient, know how a patient’s culture affects communication, and offer culturally-sensitive recommendations to a patient. A culturally-sensitive caregiver can understand how cultural differences affect healthcare practices and health habits, then incorporate this understanding into daily interactions. Because a patient’s culture is so deeply intertwined with their beliefs, demonstrating cultural competency is crucial when providing end-of-life care.
How to Achieve Cultural Sensitivity and Excellent Care in Hospice
Cultural influences can significantly impact how a patient reacts to being in hospice care, so achieving cultural competence should be the goal of every caregiver. Caregivers can accomplish this by overcoming their own biases to improve the healthcare they provide. They can also seek out information about how they can better help the patient, such as gathering information about their end-of-life beliefs, views regarding end-of-life concerns, and thoughts of dying.
In many cases, such information is discovered through the assessment process once a patient is admitted into hospice care. Caregivers ask specific questions regarding cultural and religious beliefs that the patient views as important. Family members are also encouraged to communicate their goals and needs. Successful cultural competence in hospice care is based on a solid ground of communication. In addition, caregivers who take the time to demonstrate cultural sensitivity can more effectively manage their patient’s pain and help the family through the grieving process. In addition, our providers work closely with spiritual care providers throughout hospice care to provide emotional and spiritual support.
Providing Bereavement Support for Family and Loved Ones
The goal of hospice care is not only to help the patient with end-of-life care but to provide sufficient support and bereavement services following the death of a loved one. How can being culturally sensitive help families with bereavement support? First, it’s essential to recognize that a person’s and family’s culture can significantly impact their grieving process. Families of hospice patients often turn to their beliefs to process what has happened.
Active begins this bereavement support by preparing you and your loved one for the inevitable moment of death. During this process, your caregivers will discuss specific concerns and needs that your family will have, focusing on what is important to you and your loved one. After your loved one passes, we provide bereavement support for up to 13 months. As we get to know your family, we provide tailored services based on your belief and culture, including providing follow-up calls from a chaplain, social worker, or spiritual leader of choice. We also offer counseling, bereavement camps, and memorial services.
For Caring and Compassionate Care, Trust Active Home Health, Hospice & Personal Care
At Active, we recognize that providing culturally-sensitive hospice care is just as important as any other facet of care. During this challenging part of your loved one’s life, we take the time to get to know their culture and their preferences, allowing us to provide excellent care to the end. We are committed to open communication between you, your loved one, and the entire care team.
With more than 35 years of combined healthcare experience, our hospice services were started with the goal of improving the standard of patient care in a home setting. We design our programs with you in mind, giving you the support and care you need during life’s many journeys. From palliative care to personal and hospice care, we are here to help you through it all. For caring, loving, and culturally-sensitive hospice care, you can trust Active Home Health, Hospice & Personal Care.