“My mom was very ill and needed excellent care and connections, and Mindy, her hospice nurse, gave her both and me as well.”
– Lynda
Many People Perceive Utah Hospice Care Services as Giving up on Someone, but this Couldn’t be Farther from the Truth.
Watch the Video to Learn What Hospice is and How it Helps.
Home Hospice Care in Utah
of Hospice Care
As you prepare for your final journey, Active Hospice aims to decrease stress and provide time for more enjoyable moments, allowing all involved to have a deeper understanding and better peace of mind. We do this by focusing on quality, control over, and comfort care at the end of life.
Quality at the End of Life
Imagine a patient being able to take that hour-plane ride over the valley they have always wanted to take or drive up the canyon for a picnic with their great-grandkids. That is the quality at the end of life that hospice can provide. Utah hospice care focuses on avoiding a prolonged dying experience, helps patients and their loved ones attain a sense of closure and understanding, and provides lasting memories and more enjoyable moments.
Control over the End of Life
Instead of following the traditional course for end-of-life care, which involves seeking curative measures and frequent hospital or rehab stays, patients and their loved ones can choose how and where they spend their precious time together. Hospice allows patients to remain in their place of residence, surrounded by those they love, doing what makes them happy while leaving them with tremendous peace of mind.
Comfort Care at the End of Life
Hospice care focuses on symptom management and pain relief to keep patients comfortable. No painful procedures, tests, or countless hours of rehab concentrate on a cure, only to delay the inevitable. Studies show that, on average, individuals live longer in hospice than in traditional curative approaches. Hospice keeps patients comfortable and in control of their decisions and quality of life.
Our Hospice Care Services Include:
Massage Therapy
Social Work
Meet Our Loving Hospice Care Team
At Active Hospice, we believe in an open line of communication between you and your care team. You will be helped by many people, including your nurse, CNAs, medical social workers, chaplains, therapists, and our medical director. We will provide medications related to your comfort care, medical equipment and supplies, and even massage therapy.
Jasmine Kesler
Kaitlyn Warner
Laura Olsen
Madison Baumann
Mike Sanders
Mindy Hutchison
Traci Dickey
Robin Clemens
Ty McIntosh
Lara Gallacher
Marlo Neer
Dr.Rachael Stubbs
Debbie Dahl
Hilary Skoglund
Kaitlyn Laney
Michael Backman
Wayne Hull
SueDawn Sheetz
John Mecham
Hospice Care for the Whole Family
Nothing can fully prepare you for the grief and pain that come with the passing of a loved one. Likewise, there is no set schedule or checklist to mark off to tell us when that grief will pass or when you will feel at peace. You do not have to do it alone, regardless of when, where, or how you grieve.
How Can Active Hospice Help Me?
Hospice homecare is intended for more than the last few days of a person’s life.
Hospice services are meant to be used for the last six months of your journey with a disease, providing emotional, social, spiritual, and physical support to you and your loved ones. We tailor our approach to each individual’s illness or injury. See how Utah hospice can help you with your specific need, or give us a call if it’s not listed.
Who Pays for Hospice?
With so many decisions at the end of life, let Active Hospice make this one easier for you.
We accept all Medicare and Medicare HMO plans with 100% coverage. We are also proud to serve our Veterans by providing exceptional care through their VA Benefits.
Frequently Asked Questions About Home Hospice Care
When is the right time to contact Active Hospice in Utah?
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or are facing the difficulties of an advanced illness, now is the time to call. Utah Hospice is intended to help patients and their families achieve greater peace of mind, quality of life, and comfort over the last six months of life. Waiting until the last few days or weeks means you won’t get the full benefit from hospice. We commonly hear families express that they wish they had called sooner.
What is hospice care?
Hospice care is a comfort care approach to caring for an individual with a terminal illness. Instead of traditional, curative measures, hospice services focus on providing care, quality, and comfort at the end of life. Hospice helps both patients and their loved ones attain a sense of closure and understanding. This closure provides more lasting memories and enjoyable moments.
Does hospice only serve people who have been diagnosed with cancer?
Cancer is only one of many diagnoses that hospice can help. Others include circulatory or heart disease, dementia, respiratory disease, stroke, kidney disease, liver failure, AIDS, ALS, and Parkinson’s Disease. If you are unsure if your prognosis would qualify for hospice services, call us today!
Where are services hospice provided?
Our loving care team will come wherever you are living. This can be in the comfort of your home, a family member’s home, an assisted living facility, a skilled nursing home, or anywhere else you may call home!
Is hospice a place where the terminally ill go to die?
When faced with an end-of-life scenario, 90% of patients prefer to die in the comfort of their homes. Hospice provides patients with this opportunity. While there are stand-alone hospice centers throughout the United States, most hospice care occurs within the home.
Does a person have to be bed-bound to qualify for hospice?
The answer is a resounding no. You do not have to be bed-bound. Many patients who opt for hospice services continue to lead fulfilling, active, and productive lifestyles. Hospice gives you and your family control over your end-of-life experience.
”Mindy is the best nurse anyone could ever have.
Gordon B
”Their team was patient and wonderful with her needs. I would highly recommend their services for anyone who is looking for a hospice company that will give excellent care!
Jennifer W
”After taking on the role of a caretaker, I realized I could not do it alone. I appreciate the nurses promptness and willingness to answer my calls and help. I am forever grateful!
Ashley E
Additional Services
Ready to Take Control of Your Final Journey?
While the decision to choose hospice is not easy, Active Hospice understands the freedom and value it provides. We believe in providing quality, comfort, and control to those going through life’s final journey. Contact us today to set up a free in-home consultation and see if hospice is right for you.